Neuropsychological Assessment: Agile Depression Screen
The Agile Depression Screen is a common neuropsychological assessment used after a trauma-based event to detect traumatic brain injury (TBI). This screen is specific to patients who may be suffering from mild to severe depression after a traumatic incident. Furthermore, a neuropsychological assessment can also provide insight into the severity of a TBI for individualized treatment.
Neuropsychological Assessment Overview
The Agile Depression Screen includes a commonly used evidence-based screen and additional questions that compiles self-reported symptoms consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V (DSM-V) related to depression.
The screen is used to help identify trauma survivors who are experiencing symptoms that put them at risk for developing or indicate they could have developed a depressive-related disorder. The tool does not provide a diagnosis, but it does provide direction on whether a survivor could benefit from further assessment or intervention to support recovery based on the American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines [^1].
The primary strength of this screen is in the algorithm that compiles the result in a comprehensive report. The benefits include:
Saves on the cost of a clinician to score, compile, and interpret
Instantaneous calculation of results and provision of reports
Provides comprehensive reports that include a list of symptoms reported by the client based on the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders Edition 5)
Measure Used in a Neuropsychological Assessment
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Revised (CESD-R)
The CESD-R is a commonly used, accurate, and valid self-rated measure for symptoms consistent with depression. It has good psychometric properties, including high internal consistency, strong factor loadings, and theoretically consistent convergent and divergent validity with anxiety, schizophyte, and positive and negative affect [^2].
Predisposition Questions
The predisposition questions ask about symptoms that research has shown put a person at an increased risk for developing a depression-related disorder following a trauma. If yes to any of the predisposition questions, there is no change in score, but risk factors are listed on the report.
The comprehensive report includes:
- List of client-reported symptoms based on the DSM-5
- Level of symptoms (mild, moderate, severe)
- Recommendations specific to the level of the client’s reported symptomology and risk factors based on the guidelines set out by the American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines [^3] e.g., clients with moderate or severe symptoms are recommended to have further evaluation
A Neuropsychological Assessment Can Help Clinicians and Patients
Agile Screening was founded to address gaps in the identification and treatment of invisible injuries like psychological and traumatic brain injuries for those who experienced trauma such as a motor vehicle collision. Getting the appropriate neuropsychological assessment for your patients specific to each person’s condition or trauma will aid in proper treatment. Anxiety and depression come in many different physical and mental forms. Every person’s symptoms and how they handle trauma-induced anxiety and depression vary from person to person.