Screen Categorizations for Neurocognitive Assessment
Below is a list of neurocognitive assessment screens available to American clinicians categorized by specific conditions or traumas. These screens can detect a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the severity of a TBI. As you can see, there are screens specific to youth and adolescents. If you would like to learn the specific details of an individual screen, we have full descriptions here.
Neurocognitive Assessment Screens
AnxietyAgile AS – Anxiety Screen (Self-Rating Anxiety Scale)
Agile YAS – Youth Anxiety Screen (Screens for anxiety-related disorders in youth)
Agile ASP – Anxiety Screen for Preschool (Screens for anxiety-related disorders in pre-school-aged children
Agile PCAS – Post Crash Anxiety Screen (PTSD, anxiety, and driving phobia)
Agile PTAS – Post-Trauma Anxiety Screen (PTSD, anxiety, and specific phobia)
DepressionAgile DS – Depression Screen (screens for symptoms related to depression)
PHQ-9 – Patient Health Questionnaire -9 (screens for symptoms of depression)
Agile Older Adult Depression Screen (screens for depression in adults over 65 years)
ADS-Y – Agile Depression Screen for Youth
ConcussionPICS -Post-Injury Concussion Screen (screens for symptoms and risk factors related to concussion)
PTSDAgile PCAS – Post Crash Anxiety Screen (PTSD, anxiety, and driving phobia)
Agile PTAS – Post-Trauma Anxiety Screen (PTSD, anxiety, and specific phobia)
PhobiaAgile PCAS – Post Crash Anxiety Screen (PTSD, anxiety, and driving phobia)
Agile PTAS – Post-Trauma Anxiety Screen (PTSD, anxiety, and specific phobia)