Agile Post-Injury Concussion Screen

A post-injury concussion screen tests a patient for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) so individualized treatment can be created. Specifically, this screen can also detect the level or severity of the TBI.

Concussion Screen Overview

The Agile Post-Injury Concussion Screen (PICS) is an evidence-based, self-report inventory that was developed to help identify clients who are experiencing symptoms that indicate they have or could have sustained a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. The Agile PICS does not provide a diagnosis; it provides direction on whether a client could benefit from further assessment or intervention to support recovery.

Measures Used for Concussion Screen

Rivermead Post Concussion Questionnaire (RPQ) Modified

The RPQ is one of the most widely used self-reporting scales to identify concussion symptoms and risk for post-concussion syndrome. The RPQ has demonstrated good internal consistency, test-retest, and inter-rater reliability 1 2 3.

Additional Questions

It includes questions about symptoms that recent research has shown impact a client’s ability to function following a TBI and provide more clarity to the questions included in the RPQ 4 5.

Predisposition Questions

A set of questions related to known risk factors for sustaining a TBI and for developing Post-Concussion Syndrome. If yes to any of the predisposition questions, then there is no change in score, but risk factors are listed in the findings.

Concussion Screen Report

The comprehensive report for this concussion screen includes:

  • List of reported somatic, affective and cognitive symptoms
  • Percentage of symptoms reported that are severe, moderate, and mild
  • Recommendations specific to the client’s reported symptomology and risk factors based on the guidelines set out by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation’s Guideline for concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Prolonged Symptoms (3rd Ed).

Findings and recommendations include alerts to higher risk for Post-Concussion Syndrome and the early symptoms of concussion.

Agile Screening is the Start to Proper Treatment and Healing

Agile Screening was founded to address gaps in the identification and treatment of invisible injuries like psychological and traumatic brain injuries. Those who experienced trauma from a motor vehicle collision can get proper treatment and healing.

Getting the appropriate neurocognitive assessment for your patients specific to each person’s condition or trauma will aid in proper treatment. For more information on screens available or any questions, contact the team at Agile Screening.

We are excited to be a part of your tireless journey to heal your patients.


  1. Balalla, S; Krageloh, C, Medvedev, O and Siegert, R (2020) Is the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire a Reliable and Valid Measure to Assess Long-Term Symptoms in Traumatic Brain Injury and Orthopedic Injury Patients? A Novel Investigation Using Rasch Analysis. Published Online:11 Aug 2020 

  2. King, N. S., Crawford, S., Wenden, F.J., Moss, N.E.G. Wade, D.T. (1995). The Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire: a measure of symptoms commonly experienced after head injury and its reliability Journal of Neurology, 242, 587-592. 

  3. Eyres, S., Carey, A., Gilworth, G., Neumann, V., Tennant, A. (2005). Construct validity and reliability of the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire. Clinical Rehabilitation, 19, 878-887. 

  4. Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, Guideline for concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Prolonged Symptoms (3rd Ed.), (2018) 

  5. American Association of Neurological Surgeons